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XenApp6.0 XenApp 6.5 服务器Windows 2008 R2优化

发表于 2013-11-20 01:33:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Windows 2008 R2建议配置


如下是建议部署在XenApp 6和XenApp6.5 的服务器上面的组策略配置项:

Error ReportingAdministrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Error Reporting
: ^" ?7 v2 c( P; s- r* NDisable Windows Error Reporting: Enabled
Disable Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)Administrative Templates – System – Internet Communication Management – Internet Communication Settings
! `! v' W7 e. Y5 g, g; v$ PTurn off Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program: Enabled
Windows UpdateAdministrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Updates; Q! ~" z5 D0 E/ z, t, t7 H
Configure Automatic Updates: Disabled
System RestoreAdministrative templates – System – System Restore
1 A5 A- g9 J/ Q6 RTurn off System Restore: Enabled
RDP Listener – Printer mappingDisable printer mapping for RDP sessions.
& V  W# d1 {$ s5 w; c* w" BAdministrative Templates – Windows Components – Remote Desktop Services – Remote Desktop Session Host – Printer Redirection5 E# ~: B' }5 y4 E3 j: o5 f* r+ M
Do not allow client printer redirection: Enabled
" M  f3 B! {+ i/ B) K' P) a3 n

如下注册表配置建议部署在XenApp 6.0 /6.5 服务器上:

Hide System Hard Error MessagesHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows- ]0 @6 W% h' f
Spooler Warning EventsHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Providers5 u& [+ g0 ?* p) O( J7 y
当ICA 会话开始时,ICA 自动创建打印机成功或失败的信息会由Spooler服务写到系统事件日志中去,这个服务会产生太多此类日志,这里的配置是让这个服务只记录错误日志。
Paging of the ExecutiveHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management, v, [& p+ E( U+ t9 d- ]% c$ \9 E% z
Edit Run and RunOnce Registry keysHKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run  l5 I0 @& F- K$ M1 E$ k' i
# f$ {2 M# `1 o4 @) M+ }4 h/ [HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run9 j. `6 I2 r; `" V+ N8 |& j
Windows Power PlansHigh Performance Power Plan不用多说,将电源设置为最佳性能
BIOS Power Schemes[size=12.727272033691406px]尽可能的选择最大性能方案。这个也不用多说了,BIOS中设置为最大性能
Scheduled TasksVerify the scheduled tasks and randomize execution time.: I: G/ K4 |5 E( W& V
Typically the following scheduled tasks can be disabled:
/ |4 ?5 G+ d. b! B% k
9 Z1 v% J$ m3 M. _9 }( |+ P
- F. n0 M! H, g' ?* S+ S
8 M! f+ C7 T: X) S
  • Application Experience -> AitAgent
  • Application Experience -> ProgramDataUpdater
  • Autochk -> Proxy
  • Customer Experience Improvement Program -> everything under this node (Consolidator, KernelCeipTask, UsbCeip, ServerCeipAssistant, ServerRoleCollector, ServerRoleUsageCollector)
  • DiskDiagnostic -> Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector
  • Power Efficiency Diagnostics -> AnalyzeSystem
  • Server Manager -> ServerManager
  • Windows Error Reporting -> QueueReporting* T% @( Q. U, L" q
Disable Logon ScreensaverHKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
! {( }  u6 ]' l& T5 g"ScreenSaveActive"="0"
Disabled Boot AnimationDisable
) f; C  f( i" R& H# ^. Sbcdedit /set bootux disabled
3 ]1 |8 j3 u2 d) {(需要在Windows 命令行中运行)
Disable all application auto-updatesJava and Flash updates can be controlled via the Control Panel.
: z- o) p, m; ]. G6 c$ R1 T; OSAP updates are disabled in the CCS ADM(X) template.
防病毒软件优化见思杰KB CTX127030
Write Cache (Operating System)
Device Manager -> Disk Drive Properties -> Policies tab
1 d# L# U& W$ {' E/ b) R

# Z! Q* _5 n" f) ^7 J; J
5 q- j- A- G% Y, a' E& v5 j3 ~3 n" C' p
- e: s! E' S5 s- e) r/ F/ y
) V. V0 a! o; q7 A2 X2 ]# K

9 b+ ]$ H9 D2 O; H
" Q3 ?. o  G2 r( F" Y. b
5 l1 x( |0 e7 l4 C  ]( X3 ~- w. }6 T! g2 V$ X0 g5 y& U$ k* f

# h+ l% U" L% r# k0 l& w5 U: y
. l" Q6 `3 d3 i3 B1 r- Y
% \' ?7 a* [' o1 w8 p0 z2 ~1 r7 |( A- W7 _* H
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager\
8 G3 A% D1 b  h3 G+ S“RegistryLazyFlushInterval”=dword:00000060 (dec)
Write Cache (Hardware)硬件驱动控制器可以在缓存中存储读写信息以便于读写速度可以达到一个最优值。当写缓存启用时,有数据读写发生时,控制器立即告诉操作系统,允许它继续正常运行。Citrix Consulting建议配置为基于硬件100%写缓存。
Worker ThreadsHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive\* z- e, n* h$ t+ L
“AdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads”=dword:00000064 (dec)
Page File
My Computer properties -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Advanced tab -> Change Virtual Memory
SMB 1.0 Client Optimization Note: Tuning SMB 1.0 is required in mixed (2003 / 2008 R2) environments, where SMB 2.0 cannot be used.
% Z/ x" u6 s/ q7 i# ^3 r"MaxCmds"=dword:00002048 (dec)
% x" `$ s3 u6 p/ [0 tHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MRxSmb\Parameters! A! w% Z& b% z# q( }1 s
"MultiUserEnabled"=dword:00000001% e- r; S4 s7 B& M0 Q
CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer' h- E+ {, Q! Y. e/ j/ b
NoRemoteRecursiveEvents”=dword:00000001/ D9 \# z7 ?, `( {0 Y8 q6 D& n
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ Lanmanserver\Parameters" @2 q9 z& m/ R  x; u6 c, k
"MaxWorkItems"=dword:00008192 (dec)* q6 E1 ~) f' S
"MaxMpxCt"=dword:00002048 (dec)) P/ _/ n; K: y4 ^. l* S
"MaxRawWorkItems"=dword:00000512 (dec)2 l9 D6 q! W+ T- E
"MaxFreeConnections"=dword:00000100 (dec)
5 V5 J+ P, m5 Q' I& _1 K8 X"MinFreeConnections"=dword:00000032 (dec)
微软文件传输协议SMB 1.0的优化
SMB 2.x Client TuningHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ LanmanWorkstation\Parameters) W8 V7 N0 r6 u2 h; h1 m0 _
“DisableBandwidthThrottling"=dword:00000001( e& z& j: {5 Q4 s& ?2 {. H% |
“DisableLargeMtu”=dword:00000000( a( W/ U' |) `3 z! n5 d8 a9 L
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  K: _; r2 E, O% H2 A# b! |4 XNoRemoteRecursiveEvents”=dword:00000001
% a" k, g5 d2 V

基于Provisioning Service的XenApp优化项

针对于Provisioning 的XenApp 服务器,由于是需要将XenApp服务器做成标准的vDisk模板,任何更改的设置在重启之后就消失了,所以某些过程就不需要了。这里我们针对这个场景也有如下一些建议的注册表配置:

Disable Clear Page File at ShutdownyesHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]; h/ X* I( Q( T. U/ f% R
Disable Offline FilesyesHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\NetCache
1 _/ y# }2 s$ }( N$ A; b"Enabled"=dword:00000000
Disable Background DefragmentationyesHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\ BootOptimizeFunction
& y; @# o. x' I2 [3 x1 R8 b# T4 \- {"Enable"="N"
Provisioning Services vDisks不需要磁盘碎片整理
Disable Background Layout ServiceyesHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\OptimalLayout
1 b' J. Q! ~  u  n7 l+ C3 Q& c"EnableAutoLayout"=dword:00000000
[size=12.727272033691406px]Provisioning Services vDisks不需要重新安排磁盘文件布局
Disable HibernationYesHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power "Heuristics"=hex:05,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,3f,42,0f,00禁用计算机休眠功能
Disable Mach. Acct. Password ChangesYesHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters7 `- f+ {6 a# Q) S! N
Redirect Event LogsNoHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application" K3 D. j/ J3 w" T1 P" P. f
: E# X0 x. O3 J4 E* k0 q& e/ pHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Security3 m9 K* X8 M' Y4 E
0 O! R; m4 n+ s$ D1 {3 U2 bHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\System
4 n6 r* V2 s% P- b! {# P% ]"File"="D:\EventLogs\System.evtx"
Disable Large Send OffloadNoHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BNNS\ Parameters/ ]8 S8 \/ \% s- t/ Y& s6 |: I& F( i
在做vDisk Stream的时候需要禁用此选项
Disable TCP/IP OffloadNoHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\ Parameters
* H2 n0 y; S7 {! P) b9 j0 I"DisableTaskOffload"=dword:00000001
Increase Service Startup TimeoutNoHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control "ServicesPipeTimeout"=dword:00600000(dec)在某些高负载的环境中,windows 服务可能需要超过30秒的时间才能正常启动;这里我们将此设定设置为10分钟
Scheduled DefragNoDisable the scheduled defragmentation of the hard disks.' ^# n* s- t; t7 T: S
Task Scheduler – Defrag -> ScheduledDefrag

注意:优化项为Yes选项是在PVS目标设备上XenConvert Optimize Tool中已经有的功能

  e/ J) N' l9 U# g! p  T


Windows Server 2008 R2包括一组服务,其中许多服务是默认启用的。当Windows 服务器作为Citrix XenApp服务器的时候,其中的一些服务几乎没有用且显著增加了操作系统的内存占用量。因此以这些服务建议禁用。

, N+ Q+ k/ s) D. k( r
Desktop Windows Manager Session ManagerPotential这个服务主要提供windows 7 Areo的主题,由企业自己决定是否需要支持这个主题
Network List ServiceDisable
Network Location AwarenessDisable
Windows DefenderDisabled每个企业应该都有自己的防病毒体系,所以微软自带的这个就没必要留着了。
Windows UpdatePotentialPVS的XenApp服务器没必要启用微软的补丁自动更新

! ~: F9 g8 p. _; V0 O( g


和计算机配置不一样,用户配置无论XenApp服务器vDisk是私有模式还是标准模式都是应用到每一个用户身上。所有的用户设置在XenConvert Optimizer tools都是没有的。


Internet Explorer – Force Offscreen CompositionHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\Main
) i  W0 ^9 {& p- y! d* u"Force Offscreen Composition"=dword:00000001
Disable Recycle BinUser Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Explorer- \. O9 |, }. j7 z
Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin: Enabled
由于回收站在Windows 2008 R2中是用户配置文件的一部分,在漫游的用户配置文件需要禁用回收站以防止用户配置文件膨胀
Reduce Menu Show DelayHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
. C0 \- X4 Q8 O) C! F"MenuShowDelay"="150"
Disable all Visual Effects except "Use common tasks in folders" and "Use visual styles on windows and buttons"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects
3 H6 ^" Y# F1 q2 o4 q"VisualFXSetting"=dword:00000003# J) s. u0 A( N& |( O4 W* T. x
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
) ^7 H- E* |& C"MinAnimate"="0"8 g: `3 q6 K! i+ U' o
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced0 u% S5 |8 _8 A: m( O0 Y
"ListviewAlphaSelect"=dword:00000000 "TaskbarAnimations"=dword:00000000 "ListviewWatermark"=dword:00000000 "ListviewShadow"=dword:000000007 F4 g+ c3 _- t, N% a7 p
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3 M; w0 |& u0 S  Q8 A1 _! t"FontSmoothing"="0" "UserPreferencesMask"=binary:90,12,01,80 ,10,00,00,00
Disable Screen SaverUser Configuration – Administrative Templates – Control Panel – Personalization
! Z: n0 f- z4 b7 FEnable Screen Saver: Disable
Documents HistoryUser Configuration – Administrative Templates – Start Menu and Taskbar
% ~3 x8 j* ^! ^) W1 a8 m% {! ^4 GDo not keep history of recently opened documents: Enable! y) \: F, U  K/ f4 N
Remove Balloon Tips on Start Menu items: Enable$ \- ?+ z, p1 d3 H
Remove frequent program list from Start Menu: Enable
Auto End TasksHKCU\Control Panel\Desktop- X; b$ a) r  w' }1 z! W+ i
“AutoEndTasks”=REG_SZ = “1”
. i9 _6 }  p  ~7 [( I  J# ?' t" w6 n“WaittoKillAppTimeout”=REG_SZ= “20000”
Background Spell CheckingDisable using Group Policy后台拼写检查会占用大量的系统资源
Sound SchemeDisable Windows Logon / Logoff notification sounds
3 M$ s0 n8 [! E# _HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\ WindowsLogon\.Current" {, `; i  u& {+ t3 b
“(Default)”=REG_SZ=””, s7 \/ ~, K, `) J+ L7 n3 p
HKCU\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\ WindowsLogoff\.Current3 @) e5 K6 a7 y* w* Z
0 k. u7 a/ G6 @- F6 e' q


目录(在XenApp 策略里面)设置理由
Desktop UIDesktop Wallpaper: Prohibited7 b0 l- o" R# q1 z+ K- H3 Z9 c
Menu animation: Prohibited2 O4 a5 Z  Q7 v( o  c9 `
View window content while dragging: Prohibited
Visual Display\Moving ImagesProgressive compression level: Low (min. setting)通过这个策略降低每用户的网络带宽使用率
Printing\DriversAutomatic Installation of in-box drivers: Disabled尽管这个设置和性能无关,但是这是我们高度建议的一个策略,这个设置会阻止用户安装不需要的打印机驱动,也会减少排查打印机相关问题的复杂度
2 z, k" B; h; S2 {
8 q( k# b1 d0 N7 X+ o7 R+ X/ Q

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