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XENAPP 4.0及以前版本的Web Interface 直接升级到5.3的出错解决办法

发表于 2010-7-29 19:28:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>都说可以直接升级   能升个屁  害我搞了两三天   <font face="Verdana">XENAPP 4.0及以前版本的Web Interface是不能直接升级的  升级到5.3的版本便可以在手机上用ERP了 呵呵  </font></p>
# f4 s% _  E; b. H$ i<p> </p>
) X' T- E/ h* {& C<p> </p>
- N  J( b( `7 u" }5 d" V& Y, Z<p>要使用启动引用,所指定场中的所有服务器都必须运行 XenDesktop 或 Presentation Server 4.5 或更高版本。 Citrix 建议场中的所有服务器都运行同一产品和版本。 如果场正在运行适用于 UNIX 的 XenApp 4.0 Feature Pack 1 或 Presentation Server 4.0 及更低版本,确保在 XenApp Web 站点配置文件 WebInterface.conf 中将 <span class="cmdname">RequireLaunchReference</span> 参数设置为 <span class="cmdname">Off</span>,将 <span class="cmdname">OverrideIcaClientname</span> 设置为 <span class="cmdname">On</span>。</p>
/ Q- Q9 x+ D6 _! V1 \' a- v! {<p> </p>
0 N2 w. v/ C5 h: ~5 n, [: |<p> </p>
- o( `4 K( p) N! p<p&gtNA的接入也是一样的  </p>
1 I4 S( s  E) e3 x( d<p> </p>
, ~* C3 o( `% r9 _0 h3 i<p> </p>
# ~, v( b+ A; E& {% J' b6 v) H<p>Si configurais un site de pnagent en Web Interface 5.x y 4.5 para atacar a granjas PS4 recibireis un error de que no se puede encontrar el recurso solicitado. Esto es debido a que el servicio de pnagent del servidor Web Interface intenta utilizar una serie de recursos que no estan disponibles para granjas 4.0.</p>
1 q% I# U0 ~8 o  `$ f4 X& L<p>En el visor de eventos del servidor vereis el siguiente error:</p>
' B0 A9 ]' H7 O$ X: C<p>The farm <<var class="varname">farm name</var>> has been configured to use launch references, but a launch reference was not received from the Citrix XML Service. Check that the farm supports launch references or disable launch reference requests.</p>3 B# A/ V  y; X: H9 `/ K5 \- b- l
<p> </p>
- e" [4 d5 O. o( a! ~6 w<p&gtara solucionar este problema debereis modificar las siguientes entradas en el archivo webinterface.conf del site de pnagent:</p># N) X$ F  I* y# f8 l1 _
<p><span class="cmdname">RequireLaunchReference=Off</span></p>
5 B3 z- W1 H+ }( H0 g3 k* |# l" W<p> OverrideIcaClientname=On</p>
2 M- c: M% u! t  c' I
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-7-29 19:29:30编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-15 20:00:01 | 显示全部楼层
<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">1 e* M, B, S# l0 l5 a- }2 V
% c; q( x1 s- e/ ^<tr>
- @- {3 }& F7 N* \" O<td colspan=\"4\">
% _3 a! U" x( f<div class=\"jive-message-body\">Hi all<br/><br/>At first I would like to say that I’m a total newbie with Citrix software, which is why I ask for your patience if I say something stupid<br/><br/>The entire system environmen<wbr></wbr>t in the company is based on Windows 2003 (domain, gpo, etc.), the XA environmen<wbr></wbr>t is created on w2k8 standard eng r2 x64 .<br/><br/>Currently we have farm version of PS4, which we want to preserve for 16bit applicatio<wbr></wbr>ns, the rest of the applicatio<wbr></wbr>n (mainly SAP GUI) we want to move to XenApp6 and, in future use the software yet XenDesktop<br/>3 y7 B9 V: z% D# R3 L6 c! w! m
<p>Farm XA6 is installed on:<br/>Windows 2008 R2 x64 std Edition - Server name xenapp0<br/>The license server is installed on a separate server (win 2k8 ent x64)<br/>The database is on a separate SQL Server (w2k3 + sql 2005)<br/>XML Ports for XA farm: 8080<br/>traffic over HTTP<br/><br/>XA6 installed on the server xenapp0 with the Web interface,<wbr></wbr> through which it can share resources with a new farm (for testing only a notepad), and plugged in a XenApp Services Sites PS4 old farm.<br/>(I moved the settings from the server PS4 that is WI, server name: citrix1, XML:80, XML Transport http).<br/><br/>All applicatio<wbr></wbr>ns are viewed an old farm on the client desktop correctly (windows xp + Citrix XenApp), when I try start the applicatio<wbr></wbr>n with a new farm (notebook)<wbr></wbr> is all ok.<br/>However, as I run the applicatio<wbr></wbr>n, which is located in an old farm, I got an error:<br/><br/>\"The remote server failed to execute the applicatio<wbr></wbr>n launch request. Please contact your administra<wbr></wbr>tor for the further details.\"<br/><br/>When checking on the server I get such informatio<wbr></wbr>n :<br/>Event ID: 31203<br/>Site path: C: \\ inetpub \\ wwwroot \\ Citrix \\ PNAgent.<br/>The farm has been configured<wbr></wbr> OLDFARM to launch use references<wbr></wbr>, but a reference launch was not received from the Citrix XML Service. Check That the farm supports launch launch references<wbr></wbr> or disable reference requests. <a href=\"http://forums.citrix.com/\">Unique Log ID: 6884b12</a><br/><br/>So, using Google, I found the article how to solve this problem<br/><br/>To use references<wbr></wbr> launch, all the servers in the farm must run Specified XenDesktop<wbr></wbr> or Presentati<wbr></wbr>on Server 4.5 or later. Citrix recommends<wbr></wbr> That all servers in the farm run the same product and version. If the farm is running XenApp 4.0 with Feature Pack 1, or for UNIX Presentati<wbr></wbr>on Server 4.0 and Earlier, the ensure the RequireLau<wbr></wbr>nchReference<wbr></wbr> That parameter is set to Off and That OverrideIc<wbr></wbr>aClientname is set to On in the XenApp Web site configurat<wbr></wbr>ion file, WebInterfa<wbr></wbr>ce.conf.<br/><br/>So I changed files that are managed and located in C: \\ inetpub \\ wwwroot \\ Citrix \\ PNAgent \\ conf \\ WebInterfa<wbr></wbr>ce.conf<br/><br/>I restarted the server XenApp and tried to run an applicatio<wbr></wbr>n again, however, unfortunat<wbr></wbr>ely I got the same error ;(<br/><br/>Do you have any idea how to solve this problem, or where to look for solutions?<br/><br/>Thanks a lot<br/>Tomas<br/><br/>Edited by: tmachalica<wbr></wbr> on 2011-05-12<wbr></wbr> 08:03</p></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br/><br/>
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-15 20:00:41 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"jive-message-body\">in file WebInterfa<wbr></wbr>ce.conf my notepad don`t show #, i open in other software (notepad++<wbr></wbr>), delete # before RequireLau<wbr></wbr>nchReference<wbr></wbr> and everything<wbr></wbr> work fine right now.<br/></div>
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-1 01:42:33 | 显示全部楼层
msiexec /x mps.msi CTX_MF_FORCE_SUBSYSTEM_UNINSTALL=Yes, n, Z* U1 v+ t" f7 Y1 @4 L

+ t) d- ~& s5 ~7 T7 X: d/ H' X) n硬行删除命令  用的时候老是忘记
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