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Recuva 数据恢复

发表于 2022-5-5 22:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It can be the worst feeling in the world when you accidentally delete a very important file you have been working on for days.  Today we look at Recuva, a free tool that helps you restore accidentally deleted files.

当您意外删除一个已经工作了好几天的非常重要的文件时,这可能是世界上最糟糕的感觉。 今天我们来看一下Recuva,这是一个免费工具,可以帮助您恢复意外删除的文件。

Using Recuva


Recuva is developed by Piriform which is the same company that brings us two other trusted utilities CCleaner and Defraggler.  This is a free app but you will want to uncheck installing the Yahoo Toolbar if you don’t want it.

Recuva由Piriform开发,Piriform是同一家公司,为我们带来了另外两个受信任的实用程序CCleaner和Defraggler。 这是一个免费的应用程序,但如果您不想安装Yahoo Toolbar,则将其取消选中。

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When you first start up Recuva it brings up an easy to follow wizard which guides you through the recovery process.  There is an option to disable this from starting up if you don’t care to use it.

首次启动Recuva时,它将弹出一个易于遵循的向导,该向导将指导您完成恢复过程。 如果您不想使用它,可以选择禁用它。

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Now choose the type of file your trying to recover.  If you’re not sure click on Other to show all files, this is handy for obscure file types as well.

现在,选择您要恢复的文件类型。 如果您不确定单击“其他”以显示所有文件,则对于晦涩的文件类型也很方便。

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Select the location of where the file was located.  You can choose removable media, certain directories, or search everywhere on the computer.

选择文件所在的位置。 您可以选择可移动媒体,某些目录或在计算机上的任何位置进行搜索。

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Wait while Recuva scans your system for deleted files.


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When you get the results it will show the file(s) and the green or red dot next to them lets you know how likely they will be restored without any damage.  Here we show advanced mode where you can preview the different files found.

得到结果后,它将显示文件,并在文件旁边显示绿色或红色点,让您知道恢复文件而不损坏的可能性。 在这里,我们显示了高级模式,您可以在其中预览找到的不同文件。

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There are some good options you can set to change the way it scans for deleted files.  One feature is Deep Scan which does a more thorough search but takes more time depending on your system.

您可以设置一些好的选项,以更改其扫描已删除文件的方式。 深度扫描是一项功能,它可以进行更彻底的搜索,但要花费更多时间,具体取决于您的系统。

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It will find deleted data even if it has been emptied from the Recycle Bin.  It is not going to work every time especially on files that have been securely deleted, corrupted, or overwritten.  A best practice is to use this as soon as you realize a file has been deleted.

即使已将其从回收站中清空,它也会找到已删除的数据。 它并不是每次都起作用,尤其是对于已被安全删除,损坏或覆盖的文件。 最佳实践是在意识到文件已删除后立即使用它。

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