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ClearOS 6.4.0 正式版发布

发表于 2013-4-14 23:14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ClearOS 是一个适用于小型企业的网络和网关服务器,基于分布式环境而设计。ClearOS 是在 CentOS 基础上构建的,发行版包括通过一个直观的基于Web的功能,哪些是易于配置的综合服务广泛列表界面。在ClearOS发现的一些工具包括防病毒,防垃圾邮件,虚拟专用网,内容过滤,带宽管理,SSL的认证,网络日志分 析器,只是名称可用的模块数。其分布提供的免费下载,为18个月的免费安全性更新的包容性。
# c0 Z+ L6 [' H5 f8 H

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-22 02:09:45 | 显示全部楼层
尼玛 这么强大的东西居然没有MAC控制,还得自己写代码?
" Z. H% w" C$ S" H9 y1 I& _% X / u! u( p, G7 m1 Y* @4 a
+ W- x& h0 U. k1 \: ciptables -I INPUT -m mac --mac-source 00:11:22:33:44:55 -j DROP           
! k, ^) [$ i* k' yiptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP         
4 B, d% K/ L) p$ F: a# Viptables -I FORWARD -m mac --mac-source 00:11:22:33:44:55 -j DROP         6 a; x/ I' V$ c( K
iptables -I FORWARD -s -j DROP
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-22 02:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
, q9 A1 s: A8 j$ L4 Y0 [* R8 g
  m5 \! s: J9 p3 X  vI am trying to set up a ClearOS Multi-WAN / Loadbalancer Gateway for our clients in my hostel.
- U3 W7 M* v2 C. G& X. g6 U& Q2 |
# z" A! O3 J" e. q- x6 G' iSome of my questions might be RTFM, but I'm still trying to figure out which manual that might be." D. _* L# M# j& D% t2 S- h0 d, ^/ J

$ w) ?! Q6 ]% i! Z8 g$ ]" jHere is my set up:% N3 I) d9 z4 x* m
I have 3 ADSL connections (2Mb, 1,5Mb and 1Mb - from 2 different ISPs) which I want to use all together to provide access to the internet to our clients via WiFi and a few stationary PCs.
: {# ]3 I. `- \The server I want to use has a total of 5 NICs, so I want to use 3 of them to connect to the ADSL modems, 1 to a switch to connect the access points to and the 5th to a switch to connect the PCs.
( |' J2 M, n" y) r8 M( a$ s7 x9 f: R
As I am in Bolivia, I have no access to the ADSL Modems, so I am stuck with their configuration all of them using the same IP range (192.168.0.x) and Subnet (255.255..255.0), I hope it will still be possilbe even with 3 NICs in the same IP range (?).- u4 g- L3 F# b$ a. I+ }

1 G& c: F" C% ^! v  m3 u, hBut that's not where my trouble starts.( w2 b9 V4 @9 U* I' l
2 E' Y6 \1 |4 {1 O9 X- r
Interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth3 are set up to be the "External" interfaces, I have to give them Static IP's because other wise they will not pick up an IP address from the modems. Other computers (Windows & Mac) do get the IP's from the modem via DHCP without a problem.
* ^, `, Y. K' s  B+ }3 I$ G: R$ G/ x! O1 O! H1 [/ p
For the "Internal" interfaces I try to set them up with DHCP servers and fixed IPs but anything I try to connect won't pick up an IP.
5 a- {9 Q  t  UI read that 2 DHCP servers on one network are not the best idea, but I guess if the network is created with that NIC and I connect a computer directly to that NIC it should get an IP?
/ @6 n/ e9 F6 |+ U- ?, R9 \  h  A
7 O+ T: B) O0 K0 lThen, even if I assign a fixed IP to the computer connecting to the LAN interface, I don't get routed through to get out on the net. I can't even ping
" {" f7 E' k( A9 ^" j, C. m1 _& W: o. p- S3 B- _- [3 J+ |
Any hints on where I should start?, M+ _/ {( f( Q( z/ ~0 w0 K7 D# J0 U
( c& v: F; U. M' \# ?, }) o
Thanks- q. ]& F7 a! t$ y* M; N: B3 O

# Q! |3 s8 X* ]0 s8 I+ u* @! fBen
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